Covenant Groups

The Covenant Groups Program is a nation-wide UU adult education program. It is  sometimes called Small Group Ministry, or Chalice Circles in other UU churches. It’s an integral part of our adult education at South Church. Small groups of 6-10 people commit to meet twice a month from mid-October through May. (There is an opportunity in January to revisit your commitment. You can either stop at that time, or join a group if there is room.) These groups create small communities of inspiration and support within South Church. Through interaction with each other, group members learn to listen deeply to themselves and others while developing personal understandings of topics related to spiritual maturity and Unitarian Universalist principles. Volunteers from the congregation facilitate group meetings. We are always looking for new conveners. If you are interested in becoming a convener, please contact one of the current conveners for more information. 

Our groups are designated as:

 1)  ZOOM ONLY.  These groups require no in-person meetings and offer people from a wide geographic area the ability to join. 

 2)  IN-PERSON. These groups meet in person unless it is necessary to meet on zoom for health reasons, by agreement among the facilitator and group members.  

As you are determining which group to select, consider the Zoom Only group if this format is more comfortable for health reasons, more convenient due to extended winter travel, no need to drive especially after dark or in inclement weather, or the day and time the group meets fits your schedule.

Sign ups 

Sign ups begin in early September and close October 6. Small groups begin meeting in mid-October with specific dates dependent on their group’s schedule. Group meeting dates can vary to work around holidays and other events. Once you have registered your convener will notify you of the first meeting and discuss the group’s meeting schedule as the year unfolds. 

There is a reset period during the last week of January in which group members can easily withdraw and new members can be added if there are places in a group.

If you’d like someone to talk with about the small groups and group registration process please contact Ann Sherpick at

2024-2025 Groups

1st and 3rd THUR1-3 PM   Bob Vaccaro In-person (Portsmouth)

1st and 3rd WED  1-3 PM   Joanne Holman In-person (Portsmouth)

1st and 3rd THUR   2-4 PM   Laurie Bilby In-person (Kittery Point)

1st and 3rd TUES6:30-8:30 PM   Ann Sherpick In-Person (Portsmouth)

1st and 3rd MON6-8 PM   Mary Burke Zoom

To register click on the link below after August 20th and before October 8th and follow the directions: www.southchurchcovenantgroup.orgYou’ll be contacted by your group’s convener in mid-October with the details of your first meeting.

In past years, people have said this about their small groups:

  • I appreciated the format. It distills how to relate and gives us a form of communication to follow. The structure of the group creates safety and mutual respect.
  • I was surprised at how often I realized I had never thought about a subject we were asked to think about.
  • Small group let me share from the heart and gave me a sense of community in a time of transition. Also enjoyed deep listening and that helped me do more of that in general.
  • I was surprised by how much love there is.
  • We became spiritual friends.

FAQ for Covenant Groups at South Church

Questions and Answers Developed by the Covenant Groups  Steering Committee with Feedback from Past Participants

Q. Why do we call ourselves Covenant Groups?  What IS a covenant?

Quite simply, a covenant is a promise, an agreement.  In the law, it is a written and binding agreement that parties will do or not do something.  In this ministry, it is a written commitment by the members of each group as to how they wish to behave with each other and how their meetings will be run for the program year.

Q.  Do other UU churches have Covenant Groups?

Yes, this is part of a worldwide program in UU churches.  Small covenant groups were started about 15 years ago, and there is a website that supports our sessions, plus networks and conferences.

Q.  How are groups in the Covenant Groups program different from other groups at South Church?

It is an opportunity to develop relationships and conversations that go way beyond those at coffee hour!

Covenant groups are intentional lay-led small groups that deepen and expand the ministry of a congregation (within the group.) Covenant Groups help build community and provide opportunities for deeper relationships-intimacyand opportunity for deeper spiritual exploration and search for meaning.

Q.  What should I expect as a result of participation?

To listen, to be heard, to consider questions you may have not considered before, to hear a variety of answers.  

To form bonds with people you might not otherwise meet.

Q. What makes the small group a safe place?

The group’s covenant serves that function.  The covenant is the committed agreement as to how members of the group will be together and treat each other.

Q.  You use the words “deep listening” to describe the group?  What is that, and what supports that?  (What if I can’t do it?)

Deep listening is the art and skill of paying attention to what another person is sharing without inserting yourself into the conversation.  During deep listening and sharing time, we do not interrupt, talk to those around us, or react with our body language, gestures, expressions. We just provide a supportive, safe space to hear another human’s heart and mind.  And you can do it!  It can take practice though, and your group leaders and more experienced members can gently remind the group of how we have agreed to be together at this time

Q. What is the purpose of small groups?

To build relationships and community within the church and also promote personal and spiritual exploration. 

Q.  What is my commitment when I join?  Tell me the details. [Do I have to go to all the group meetings?] 

Darn tootin’!

Attending all of the meetings is how we build community and closeness with each other.  This is not a drop-in group.  However, there is an opportunity in January to revisit your commitment.  During this time, group members can easily withdraw and new members can be added if there are spaces available in a group.