Core Staff

  • Rev Ellen

    Rev. Ellen Quaadgras

    Settled Minister


    Contact Rev. Ellen Quaadgras about

    • Worship Services at South Church 
    • Membership 
    • Pastoral Care 

    Rev. Quaadgras received preliminary fellowship from the Unitarian Universalist Association in 2011, was ordained in 2012, and received full fellowship in 2014. Her MDiv, 2011, is from Andover Newton Theological School, Newton, Massachusetts. She has served as the settled minister of Westminster Unitarian Church in East Greenwich, RI, since 2012. As part of her ministerial training, she served as Ministerial Resident for Social Justice, 2011-2012, at The First Unitarian Church of Dallas, TX, and during 2010, she trained in clinical pastoral education.

    Prior to entering seminary, Rev. Quaadgras had a career in technology. She received her Bachelor of Science in 1989 from Johns Hopkins University and advanced training in business and systems analysis from MIT/Sloan School of Management, Harvard Extension School, and Northeastern University.

    If you would like to learn a little more, please watch this video with Rev. Quaadgras and our Director of Lifespan Ministries, Kirsten Hunter

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    Kirsten Hunter

    Director of Lifespan Ministries


    Contact Kirsten about

    • Lifespan Learning at South Church 

    • Multi-Generational Fellowship and Service Opportunities

    • Wider Community Engagement

    Kirsten Hunter credentialed religious educator with over 25 years of experience as an educator and leader in a variety of settings. She serves South Church, alongside Reverend Ellen, in co-leadership. Kirsten's shared leadership portfolio includes supporting faith formation for all people at South Church from birth through adulthood. She joyfully collaborates and supports Jen Del Deo, our Religious Education Coordinator serving children youth and families, and works in partnership with congregational volunteers to provide vibrant opportunities for adult faith exploration and spiritual practice. In addition, Kirsten works with Reverend Ellen to help build connections between our congregation and our wider UU faith community; to develop and deepen volunteer leadership in the congregation; and generally support the mission and vision of South Church. Kirsten is a life-long UU and proud mother of two sons. She has a Masters degree in Special Education and loves to garden and spend time outdoors.

  • Jonny

    Jonny Peiffer

    Director of Music Ministry


    Contact Jonny Peiffer about

    • South Church Choir
    • Special congregational music
    • Children's Music Opportunities

    Jonny Peiffer is and has been an active member of the Seacoast NH music community for over 20 years. He is a pianist, drummer, composer/arranger, bandleader, and producer, and has led many musical, theatrical, and multidisciplinary projects in the area, including the band Sojoy, Shango Afro-Beat Orchestra, The Adventures of Oliver Z. Wanderkook, and the music and meditation collaboration SoundBody, among many others. He spent much of the late 90's and early Aughts as a dancer in many Drika Overton productions, including Clara's Dream: A Jazz Nutcracker, and dance and movement continue to be a major passion and source of joy. He is currently a faculty member at Portsmouth Music and Arts Center, where he has taught since 2011. He collaborates with Rev. Ellen, Kirsten Hunter, accompanist Susan Adams, and the whole staff, to expand on the message each week through music and song. And he is constantly open to finding new ways for members of the church community to share their artistic abilities or discover their voice. He is a proud father of two wonderful kiddos with his beautiful and talented wife Sara.

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    Jen Del Deo-Barry

    Director of Children and Family Ministries


    Contact Jen Del Deo-Barry about

    • Religious Education Classes
    • Coming of Age (8th Grade)
    • Child and Family Resources 

    Jen DD-B coordinates religious education programming for children, youth and families at South Church in collaboration with the Minister and the Director of Lifespan Ministries. She is invested in strengthening community, deepening individuals' understanding of being a Unitarian Universalist, and helping participants to be of service to the wider community. Jen has attended South Church since 2006 and became a member in 2010. She loves the outdoors, has taught in Nature education programs, and is raising two daughters.

  • Kristine

    Kristine Sawyer

    Finance Administrator


    Contact Kristine Sawyer about

    • Pledges and donations
    • Bill payment 
    • Church Financial Information

    Kristine handles the day to day finances of South Church. She processes all pledge and donation payments, handles all bills and works closely with the Finance Council to assure the church's financial stability. Kristine is a life long resident of the Seacoast, and lives with her husband and 5 kids. Kristine loves cooking, golfing and beachcombing!

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    Jennifer Leyden

    Congregational Administrator


    Contact Jennifer about

    • General information 

    • Reservations and Rentals/Building Use

    • Member directory help

    • Communications

    Jennifer is the first face you will see when visiting the South Church office. She answers the phones, greets our visitors, manages the church facility and events calendar, does all of the church communications, and offers administrative support to the congregation. She also supports the minister, finance, and RE staff in day to day operations of the church. Jennifer has been with South Church since 2015, is a lifelong resident of the Seacoast, and is a proud wife and mother/step-mother to six kids. In her free time, she LOVES to sing, play darts, and read/watch anything Harry Potter. 

  • Susan Website

    Susan Adams

    Susan earned her bachelor’s degree in Music Education from Westfield State College and a master's degree in Collaborative Piano from Arizona State University. She has many years of experience in both realms, teaching music in public and private schools in Nevada, Arizona, Maine, and Massachusetts.

    Susan recently retired from the UNH Department of Music where she worked both as a collaborative pianist and in the main office for a collective 24 years and is currently enjoying her musical life as a church pianist/organist, playing for musicals, and collaborating with other musicians on the seacoast. Susan has been with South Church since 2011. 

  • Maisy

    Maisy Del Deo

    Nursery Co-Supervisor

    Maisy is the nursery co-supervisor, providing childcare for infants and small children on Sundays and for special church events. Maisy has been coming to South Church her whole life and spent her earliest years in the nursery that she now supervises. 

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    Veda Kiper Phelps

    Nursery Co-Supervisor

    Veda is the nursery co-supervisor, providing childcare for infants and small children on Sundays and for special church events. She is also a South Church Junior Worship Associate, and a member of the High School Youth Group. 

  • Ben

    Ben Abbott

    Ben provides sound and video support for Sunday Worship services, as well as serving as an attendant for weddings and special events.